ESB Energy Price Plan Terms and Conditions for Fleet Plans


CategoryFleet Plan 5Fleet Plan 10Fleet Plan 15Fleet Plan 20
Fixed Agreement term  1 Year 1 Year1 Year 1 Year 
Monthly Account Maintenance Fee  £ 20 £ 40  £ 60  £ 80 
kWh rate (Fast Charge Points)59p/kWh59p/kWh59p/kWh59p/kWh
 kWh rate (Rapid Charge Points) 61p*/kWh61p*/kWh61p*/kWh61p*/kWh
kWh rate (Ultra- Rapid points)73p*/kWh73p*/kWh73p*/kWh73p*/kWh
 Overstay Fee**£0.75p/min after 60mins on Rapid (London) & Ultra-Rapid Chargers. Max fee £35  £0.75p/min after 60mins on Rapid (London) & Ultra-Rapid Chargers. Max fee £35  £0.75p/min after 60mins on Rapid (London) & Ultra-Rapid Chargers. Max fee £35   £0.75p/min after 60mins on Rapid (London) & Ultra-Rapid Chargers. Max fee £35 
Inclusive Charge Point Access Cards   n/a  n/a  n/a  n/a
Cost per additional Charge Point Access Card*  n/a n/a n/a n/a
Early Termination Fee  n/a n/a n/a n/a
Minimum balance for charging 10 days10 days10 days10 days
Maximum annual energy consumption limit (in kWh)* 18,00036,00054,00072,000
Maximum permitted number of active accounts per month*5101520


Note: Businesses with fleet sizes larger than 20 should contact ESB Energy for possible tailored offerings (

An account is considered to be active if a minimum of 5 (five) transactions are observed in a respective invoice period.

*Account Holder should request an upgrade if it exceeds/intends to exceed the quota for the number of active accounts per month, or the maximum annual energy consumption limit. Penalty charges may be applicable in case of non-compliance.

Please contact Customer Support for a request for additional Charge Point Access Cards, and for any other modification to the account details. An attempt to modify these details by any authorised user will be deemed as fraudulent.

  • Reduced Fleet Plan kWh rate subject to change to reflect the Standard membership rate at a time.
  • Fast Chargers have a power output greater than 0 kW and up to 22 kW.
  • Rapid Chargers have a power output greater than 22 kW and up to 50 kW.
  • High Power Chargers have a power output greater than 50 kW.
  • **Overstay fees will apply on Rapid Chargers, and High Power Chargers, after 60 minutes of charge per transaction at London chargers.
  • All prices are inclusive of VAT at 20%.
  • These Price Plan Terms and Conditions are valid from 28th November 2022