Craigneil Wind Farm
Utilising the Natural Environment to Harness Clean, Zero Carbon Energy
Craigneil Wind Farm
Utilising the Natural Environment to Harness Clean, Zero Carbon Energy

Craigneil Wind Farm
The Craigneil Wind Farm project received consent in September 2022. ESB would like to place on record our thanks to Stonehaven & District Community Council, the Stonehaven Town Partnership and the wider community for their time and help to shape the original Craigneil Wind Farm project. Since we first introduced the proposals, we have received a warm welcome in Stonehaven and the surrounding area. We were proud to be headline supporter of the Feein' Market in June 2022, 2023 and more recently, June 2024. We have also proudly supported the Stonehaven Christmas Lights and Stonehaven Fireballs. The Craigneil Wind Farm redesign is underway and part of our public consultation, we are holding two public exhibitions. Details are further below. We welcome participation at these events and any feedback or comments on our proposal.
Craigneil Wind Farm
Welcome to the Craigneil Wind Farm project website.
The Craigneil Wind Farm project received consent in September 2022. The consented Craigneil Wind Farm is for 11 turbines at 135 m in height and is located approximately 6.5 km to the north west of Stonehaven and 11 km south east of Banchory.
The project was originally submitted into planning in Summer 2018 and took over four years for a consent. Technology and commercial viability considerations have moved on since the original project design and we are now looking at a redesigned project of seven turbines at 180m in height.
Although fewer (and taller) turbines, the redesign will generate more renewable electricity - it will be able to generate more than the consented projects output which was equivalent to 21,846 homes.
We will aim to submit a new planning application in Autumn 2024.
We are holding our second round of Public Exhibition Events on the 17th and 18th September 2024. Please see full details in Public Consultation below.
Craigneil Wind Farm Advert September 2024