Millmoor Rig Wind Farm

Utilising the Natural Environment to Harness Clean, Zero Carbon Energy

Millmoor Rig Wind Farm

Utilising the Natural Environment to Harness Clean, Zero Carbon Energy

ESB is developing proposals for Millmoor Rig Wind Farm

If consented, the Millmoor Rig Wind Farm will utilise the natural environment to harness clean, zero carbon energy and also support the long-term management of the forest in which Millmoor Rig Wind Farm will be located.



Millmoor Rig Wind Farm

ESB submitted a Section 36 planning application to the Scottish Government's Energy Consents Unit (ECU) in November 2022 and the formal consultation period for the application is now open. All planning documents can be accessed via the ECU's website, or can be viewed and downloaded here.

A copy of the Environmental Impact Assessment Non-Technical summary document can be viewed and downloaded below.

Non-Technical Summary


Public Notice


Project Summary

The site is located in the Scottish Borders, within a large area of commercial forestry in the Wauchope Forest. View the Location Plan for a detailed map of the site location.


After taking into consideration responses to our Scoping stage proposals from statutory consultees and the local community, as well as information collected from environmental surveys, we have undertaken a series of design iterations and refined the layout of the proposed development.

The Millmoor Rig Wind Farm proposal comprises:

  • Up to 13 turbines, with a maximum height ranging from 180m to 230m, and a generating capacity in excess of 50MW. View proposed layout here.
  • Plans to co-locate approximately 20MW battery storage wind farm to maximise the use of the grid connection
  • On-site access tracks linking the turbines and connecting to the A6088 road via a mixture of new and existing roads, using the route of an existing forestry track
  • On-site grid substation
  • Site office and staff welfare facilities
  • An offer of a Community Benefits Package and Shared Community Ownership

Early Stage Development

In May 2022, ESB received an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Opinion from the Scottish Government, which sets out the range of environmental studies that need to be undertaken in order to both shape the design and assess the impact of the project.

ESB submitted an application for planning consent to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit in November 2022, and the formal consultation period for the application is now open. All planning application documents can be accessed via the ECU’s website, or can be viewed and downloaded here.

The left image is Raheenleagh Wind Farm in Co. Wexford, Ireland.

Millmoor Rig Project Background

Project Background

The location of the proposed Millmoor Rig Wind Farm, within an area of extensive commercial forestry, is broadly similar to that proposed for another wind farm development known as Highlee Hill Wind Farm. However, Millmoor Rig Wind Farm is an entirely new proposal and ESB has no connection with either the former Highlee Hill Wind Farm proposal, which was withdrawn from planning in May 2017, or its developer.

In deciding whether to progress with its proposals for the Millmoor Rig Wind Farm, ESB carefully considered each of the consultee responses and representations to the Highlee Hill Wind Farm planning application.

Landscape and Visual Assessment

A digital Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) model (attachment 5) was created to illustrate the geographical area within which views of development are theoretically possible. This is based on a 'bare-earth' scenario, whereby the screening effect of areas of existing vegetation or built features in the landscape are not taken into account.

The ZTV shows the 21 viewpoint locations included LVIA. The viewpoint locations are located at a range of distances and directions from the Proposed Development, are at varying elevations and cover a variety of different character areas and types. Some of the viewpoints are intended to be representative of the visual experience in a general location whereas other viewpoints illustrate the view from a specific or important vantage point. 


View the development timeline → 



Millmoor Rig Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment


As part of the development process we must undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to assess the effects of the development on the natural, physical and human environment.

The number, size and layout of the turbines has been determined by environmental, technical and commercial constraints identified during the EIA and iterative design processes. Depending on final turbine selection, a potential generating capacity of approximately 78 MW with 20 MW co-located battery energy storage is proposed.

The EIA, which is published in an EIA Report, will cover topics including landscape and visual amenity; traffic and highways; noise; ornithology and ecology; archaeology and cultural heritage; geology, hydrogeology and hydrology; forestry; and socio economics. Consultation with statutory and non-statutory authorities and with the public is a key part of the EIA process.

ESB has appointed RSK Environment Ltd (RSK), an experienced environmental consultancy, as lead consultant to carry out the EIA and related assessments to accompany a Section 36 application to Scottish Ministers.


Public Consultation


  • ESB Held two public consultation events in Southdean and Bonchester Bridge, on 16th June and 17th June 2022. The public consultation was held in order for the public to comment on the proposal as it moves through the design process. 
  • As the Section 36 application has now been submitted and is live on the ECU portal, the formal consultation period for Millmoor Rig Wind Farm is now open. Public Information Days are taking place in Southdean Village Hall on Wednesday 18th January 2023 and Bonchester Bridge William Laidlaw Memorial Hall on Thursday 19th January 2023. The events will be held from 2pm to 7pm.
  • For more information on the Millmoor Rig Wind Farm project or to request hard copies of the Non-Technical Summary, please contact: Jessica Yanetta at

The Benefits of Millmoor Rig Wind Farm

The development of Millmoor Rig Wind Farm would bring several important benefits at both the local and national levels spanning the environment, economy and community.

  • Major positive impacts on the environment, providing clean, renewable energy, and helping the Scottish Government reach its target for net-zero carbon by 2045 and interim 2030 targets
  • Supporting the local economy via contracts for tender and local construction spending
  • Community benefit funding of £5,000 per megawatt installed generating capacity, shaped to local needs, over the lifetime of the project if consented and constructed.


The Benefits 

Read more about the benefits of the Millmoor Rig Wind Farm Development




Contact Us

For information about the Millmoor Rig Wind Farm project, please contact:
Jessica Yanetta, ESB Asset Development UK Ltd - E:
For media enquiries, please contact ESB's press office at:
T: 00353 1 702 6009 (Media Enquiries Only) / Out of Hours: 00353 87 255 7186 (Media Enquiries Only) E:




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