Chleansaid Wind Farm - Development Timeline



The guidance and restrictions brought in by the Scottish Government as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic have had an impact on the development programme for the proposed Chleansaid Wind Farm project. ESB continues to follow Scottish Government advice regarding working, travel and social distancing and we will review and revise the following programme in line with the latest Scottish Government advice.


Our Proposed Programme

February 2020

 • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) surveys commence.


March 2020

 • Site-based EIA surveys suspended in line with Scottish Government COVID-19 restrictions. Desk studies continue in the meantime.


Summer 2020

 • The Highland Council granted Planning Consent for the installation of two temporary 90m tall meteorological masts to investigate the wind resource at the site.

 • EIA Scoping Opinion received from the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, setting out the scope of the EIA surveys to be undertaken.

 • EIA surveys recommence on site in accordance with the latest Scottish Government COVID-19 restrictions.


Autumn 2020

 • Online 'virtual' Pre-Application Advice Meeting held with the Highland Council, Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Scottish Natural Heritage / NatureScot. 

Winter 2020

 • A temporary 90m tall meteorological mast was installed at the site.


Spring 2021

 • Chleansaid Wind Farm website launched.

 • Environmental Impact Assessment surveys continue.


Summer 2021

 • Online 'virtual' public consultation on the initial Chleansaid Wind Farm proposals commenced in accordance with the latest Scottish Government guidance in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic during the COVID-19 restrictions.

 • Ongoing communication with local communities and individuals.


Autumn 2021

 • Further public consultation events held both virtually and in-person in the local community, in line with the latest Scottish Government Covid-19 guidance. Information on the events can be found on the Public Consultation section on the Chleansaid Wind Farm homepage.

 • Environmental Impact Assessment surveys completed.

Spring 2022

 • Section 36 application submitted to the Scottish Government in March 2022.

 • Planning application goes live and formal public consultation period opens.

December 2023

 • Section 36 Planning Application consented by the Scottish Government

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