Chleansaid Wind Farm
Utilising the Natural Environment to Harness Clean, Zero Carbon Energy
Chleansaid Wind Farm
Utilising the Natural Environment to Harness Clean, Zero Carbon Energy

Chleansaid Wind Farm
The consented Chleansaid Wind Farm will utilise the natural environment to harness clean, zero carbon energy and also support the long-term management of the estate on which Chleansaid Wind Farm will be located. The development site benefits from good wind speeds, existing site access, a grid connection, is in an area of low residential density and has no on-site environmental designations.
Chleansaid Wind Farm
ESB are delighted to announce that Chleansaid Wind Farm has received consent from the Scottish Government on 15th December 2023.
In December 2022, the Highland Council’s North Planning Applications Committee decided to raise no objection to the Chleansaid Wind Farm plans.
Detail of the consent can be viewed on the Energy Consent Unit website using ECU reference number ECU00002031 or via the documents below:
Determination - Scottish Ministers Decision letter
Determination - SG Notice of Determination
The earliest date for construction to start is 2025 and ESB will organise community meetings in 2024 ahead of the start of any construction work for their input.
We would like to thank the local communities for their input on the development throughout the planning process. We understand that transport is a key consideration and will organise early engagement to ensure that local priorities and concerns are taken into account.